Bring Awareness to the impact their presence has on Alabama and the aviation community
Print, High Impact Display, Sponsored Content Article
- High Impact Display
- Homepage Takeover on Statewide 24 Hours
- Content Article on
- Sponsored Article where our team interviewed a Point of Contact from the company
- Full Page Print Ad
Overall positive brand sentiment for this company in Alabama and in the industry through their work. They pushed their message out to the largest local audience on a trusted news site and created though leadership through content marketing.
Home Page Takeover Results:
- Over 771,000 impressions delivered
- 555 direct website visits
- 3,747 total exposure hours
- All in 24 hours
Sponsored Content Results:
- 120,000 native headline impressions
- 1,261 clicks
- 1,480 pageviews on article
- 37 hours of time on content in 30 days

Over 771,000 impressions delivered

555 direct website visits

120,000 native headline impressions

1,261 clicks